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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library More heritage Exhibitions Mussengang: het studentenleven getekend

The household

Parents often have terrifying visions of the state of a student house. Sinks full of mouldy leftovers, and plates and pots covered in dried up food; the penetrating stench of old beer, cigarette butts, and beer bottle caps on the sticky kitchen floor. Bedroom floors covered in random piles of underwear, dirty socks, and used condoms. Grease-stained walls and curtains, dissolute behaviour, and free-ranging mice and rats throughout the house.

Mussengang showed that all of this was absolutely accurate.

Illustrations 4 and 5 also reveal other things. For example, you may notice that Bert Cornelius originally worked with a ball-point pen (4). Later on, he also used markers (5).

Last modified:24 December 2021 11.54 a.m.
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