Enrolment for course units
Enrolment period
Semester 1, 2025-2026 |
Bachelor course units |
From 16 June - 4 July 2025 (midnight)
Master course units |
From 16 June - 29 August 2025 (midnight)
Seminars |
Enrolment procedure
It is compulsory for all students to enrol for course units, because it makes the progress of your study more transparent and it provides the educational organization with the correct information for making timetables.
Enrolling for course units
- You enrol in courses yourself. Only if you are a first-year Bachelor student you are automatically enrolled in your first semester compulsory course units. The Office for Student Affairs does this for you
- To participate in a course, you have to be registered for the course in Progress; only a registration for a course in Brightspace is not sufficient!
- Choose the course units you want to take from the online course catalogue system (Ocasys)
- Enrol for your course units right away when the enrolment opens, so you have plenty of choice
Enrol for the entire semester, so also for your block two course units!
Only (re-)taking the exam or other part of the course? Please also enrol for the course. This is only possible with the consent of the teacher and/or study adviser
You are not only enrolling for course units of your study programme, you need to enrol for the course units belonging to the Minor as well
Seminar enrolment takes place via Student Portal with the relevant course or via the secretariat of your study programme
Incoming exchange students cannot enrol for course units. This will be taken care of by the Office for Student Affairs after approval of the Learning Agreement
Are you currently a Bachelor student at the University of Groningen? Then enrol as if you meet all the conditions of the Master course units; so as if you have already met the entry requirements, have already received the decision by the Board of Examiners or have already obtained that final grade
Enrol for a maximum of 35 ECTS credits each semester (in the exceptional case that you would like to enrol for more than 35 ECTS credits, you need to contact your study adviser)
Is a course full? You will be added to a waiting list. Whenever a place is available, the first student in line will be added to the course. You do not receive a message when this happens, so closely monitor Progress yourself
Only students who have completed all courses from their first year are allowed to take third year courses
Please note that the course enrolment period and procedures are different at different faculties. If you want to follow courses or minors at another faculty, please prepare yourself for this in time. You can contact the education administration at the relevant faculty for information
A number of course units (for example elective courses within the Bachelor programme or course units within the Master programmes of CIW, History, International Relations, Literary Studies) have a different enrolment procedure in a different period – please check Progress, Ocasys and the Student Portal for more information
For language proficiency courses, please check the language proficiency enrolment page
The principle of full=full applies for most courses
Note: De-enrol if you are no longer participating in a course! The course will be added to your results in Progress/Student Portal a NA (Not Attended) if you forget to de-enrol. You can only de-enrol for a course during the first two weeks of a semester
Enrolling for seminars
Seminar enrolment takes place via My courses in Student Portal or via the secretariat of your study programme. Per course, the opening date of enrolment can differ.
Enrolling for exams
There is no separate exam enrolment. We assume that participating in a course results in participating in the exam. You can de-enrol for a course up until the second lecture week
If you do not need to follow the complete course, but only need to (re-)take the exam or other part of the course, please also enrol for the course in Progress. This is only possible with the consent of the teacher and/or study adviser. You do not have to enrol for a seminar group.
NB.: The Faculty maintains the right to make changes to the curriculum, the number of groups and the timetable.
Enrolment: Step by step
Choose the course units you want to take from the online course catalogue system (Ocasys). Check if you expect to have met the entry requirements by the start of the semester.
In Progress select, via the button [enrolling], first the faculty, then [college-intekening/module registration] and then the correct list of course units. You can enrol for each course unit directly from the list. The course units you are enrolled for are listed on the right-hand side of the screen. If you want more information, click on the name of the module.
To enrol for course units at other faculties, go to [intekenen RUG/registration - University of Groningen] and select the correct faculty. Take note of the enrolment periods for each faculty because they may vary from the Faculty of Arts.
If you have enrolled in Progress, course units will also be added to My courses on the Today tab in Student Portal. Clicking on a course will take you to Brightspace, the electronic learning environment of the University of Groningen with all the information you need to follow your courses.
Last modified: | 11 February 2025 11.53 a.m. |