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About us Faculty of Arts Study at our Faculty International Relations and International Organization

IRIO Student for a Day

We will be organizing two Student for a Day events in November/December 2024 (dates to be announced in September).

We would like to emphasise that 'IRIO Student for a Day' is meant for 'advanced' prospective students who have already attended events such as an Open Day but are still not quite sure about their choice of degree programme. That means that a general introduction to what the IRIO Bachelor degree programme is about will not be a part of the programme.


The programme, hosted by our student ambassadors, will be as follows:

11-12 a.m. Welcome at the Faculty of Arts

12-1 p.m. Short tour around the university buildings in the city-centre

1 - 3 p.m. Attending a real first-year IRIO Lecture

3 p.m. Time for remaining questions


Application for the IRIO Student for a Day events will open on this page (under International Relations and International Organization). A limited number of places is available for each day. We will give priority to students who are in their final year of high school (6 VWO or an international equivalent).

Information about the IRIO bachelor programme

For any questions about the IRIO programme itself: the student ambassadors of the programme, Isa Waterink and Elizabeth Winterhalter, are able to anwers any questions you may have about what it is like to study IRIO, and you may also contact the study advisers of the programme.

Last modified:15 July 2024 1.50 p.m.