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Goodbye ENVOIE!

Date:08 March 2023
Author:Sake Jager
ENVOIE is closed!
ENVOIE is closed!

The ENVOIE project officially ended in January 2023. Through the project we have supported educators in the University of Groningen to get started with Online International Exchange, which is the term we coined for what is now commonly known as Virtual Exchange.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic the project was carried out in a modified format. We were fortunate to be able to align our work with the Virtual International Collaboration initiative from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This allowed us to get 10 new projects started in UG.

To sustain the growth and consolidated use of Virtual Exchange in UG further steps are necessary. To this end, the project has been concluded with a final report in which we present recommendations to decision and policy makers in UG to take Virtual Exchange to the next level.

A copy of the report is available to UG members of staff at the link below.

On behalf of the project team, I should like to thank the many colleagues with whom we have worked over these past five years for the support and confidence they have given us.

Sake Jager

Project manager ENVOIE I and II

About the author

Sake Jager
Sake Jager
ENVOIE Project Manager, Educational Support and Innovation

Link: /staff/s.jager
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