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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI Calendar

Bring your research into the spotlight: Tell your story with maps

When:Fr 16-02-2024 12:45 - 17:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

Ready to transform your research into captivating narratives? Learn the art of storytelling by using the power of maps!


Building a visual story based on your research

In this workshop we will dive into the power of maps and how they can enhance the quality of the story of your research. Most researchers have intriguing data with often a geographical component that are mainly unknown to a broader audience.

Good storytelling techniques enable your audience to grasp your research better. Additional (online) maps can support the communication of your insights. By combining those techniques in StoryMaps, you can give your narrative a stronger sense of place, simply illustrate relationships between places and add visual examples such as photo’s of video’s to your ideas.

A StoryMap from Archeologists Christina Willamson & Alexandra Katevaini (UG/Arts) is a good example of storytelling with maps, which is available here, as well as another StoryMap on Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, which is available here.

Key concepts of storytelling and web-mapping

Participants can expect to learn the key concepts of storytelling and web-mapping in this course. If participants have their own set of maps and other multimedia ready-for-use they can take this with them in the course. If not, we have prepared a challenging set of materials which they can use and experience the full possibilities of Storymapping.


No prior GIS-experience is needed. The learning goals of this course will be differentiated based on the participant’s skills and participation is free of costs. The course will be held in English.


You can register by sending an email with your contact information to geodienst .

See also the webpage of Corporate Academy: Storymapping for PhD students.

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