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Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI
Digital prosperity for all
Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI Calendar

ChatGPT: the science and ethics of generative AI

When:We 08-11-2023 14:00 - 17:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

Have you ever wondered why generative AI's such as ChatGPT can address certain tasks quite well and completely fail at others? What can they do well, and which things are better done by humans, and why?

AI will play an increasing role in the labor markets of the future, and therefore it is all the more important to understand its underlying logic, its strengths, but also its limits. What makes it 'intelligent', and what makes it different from human 'intelligence'? And what happens when AI's come to play a role in decision-making that has ethical and legal implications? What should never be done by AI, or at least not by AI alone? And what does it mean for us as individuals, but also as societies, how we answer these questions?

In this interactive event, scientists and scholars from several faculties of the RUG offer insights into their work on AI and help you answer some of these questions - or at least to understand whether ChatGPT might answer them for you or not!

For whom

All students are welcome to join.


14.00 Welcome by Gerlof Lodewijk

14.05 Generative AI at a glance by Rik van Noord

14.35 Legal viewpoint by Lorena Florez Rojas

14.50 What is ethical? By Herman Veluwenkamp

15.05 Interactive discussion

15.35 Coffee break

15.50 Discussion tables

16.30 Conclusion and closing remarks

17.00 Drinks

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