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Centre of expertise In the LEAD
Faculty of Economics and Business
In the LEAD

In the LEAD

State-of-the-art research into the effectiveness of leadership

Leadership is essential for the effective functioning of both organisations and society at large. The mission of the Centre of Expertise In the LEAD (Leadership, Evidence, Advice & Data) is to support organisations and strategic leaders by means of scientific research and education in making effective choices, based on the context in which they operate. Specifically, we offer:

  1. State of the art research on the effectiveness of leadership;
  2. Tailor-made, scientifically based advice on practical matters;
  3. Executive education and lectures for organisations and professionals;
  4. Up-to-date insights in the form of blogs, podcasts and webinars.

Download the In the LEAD brochure .


Podcast Leiderschap in Onzekere Tijden: aflevering 40 over hoe eigenwijsheid topbedrijven fataal wordt
Date:19 July 2024
Hoe kan het dat eens succesvolle bedrijven de realiteit uit het oog verliezen en blijven volharden in hun koers ondanks alarmerende signalen? Waarom zijn ze zo doof en blind dat ze uiteindelijk hun reputatie op bijna fatale manier te grabbel gooien? Aan de hand van schoolvoorbeeld Boeing analyseren Janka Stoker en Harry Garretsen in de veertigste aflevering van hun podcast Leiderschap in Onzekere Tijden dit fenomeen.
Impact case: Leadership in turbulent times
Date:18 July 2024
In the last couple of years, the Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB, of which Centre of Expertise In the LEAD is part) has decided to measure research performance by assessing the societal impact of research. To this cause, they established so-called Impact Cases: ongoing research and public outreach initiatives that have had considerable impact over de last couple of years and have thus received rewards (in the form of either research time or funds) from the Faculty Board. The research on leadership by Professors Harry Garretsen and Janka Stoker is one of the five Impact Cases that has been rewarded by FEB's Faculty Board.
Podcast Leiderschap in Onzekere Tijden: aflevering 39 met gast Kustaw Bessems
Date:09 July 2024
Zijn we stuurloos en loopt Nederland langzaam vast? En is bestuurlijk en politiek Nederland niet te veel losgezongen van de inwoners van het land. Volkskrant-journalist Kustaw Bessems schreef het boek Stuurloos. Hij is de speciale gast in de extra lange 39ste aflevering van de podcast Leiderschap in Onzekere Tijden.


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Goede leiders in onzekere tijden

Janka Stoker

Harry Garretsen

Our partners

In the LEAD
Global Leadership Centers Roundtable
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