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Sustainable Cooperation, Institutions and Organizations

The Sustainable Cooperation, Institutions and Organizations (SCIO) cluster uses a broad range of research methodologies to investigate how different institutional arrangements sustain or undermine value creation at three levels of society. At the macro-level of Societies & Markets, our research addresses problems of inequality and resilience. Current examples are studies on the impact of board diversity and gender quotas on organizational performance, in particular in times of crises, on the link between consensual bargaining and precarity, on the failure of social movements, or on the co-evolution of global financial governance networks. At the meso-level, research on Organizations & Governance investigates how a variety of alternative organizational forms and interventions - ranging from interorganizational networks to blockchain based Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) - affect outcomes like the sustainability of cooperation within and across organizational boundaries, the success of post-disaster recovery efforts, the labor market integration of newcomers, or the unintended consequences of social innovations. At the micro-level of Relations & Interactions, the cluster studies the role of reputation, gossip, and informal networks on cooperation sustainability.

Members of the cluster
Wike Been
Francesca Giardini
Liesbet Heyse
Zoltan Lippenyi
Kees van Veen 

Neda Aramipour
Christoph Janitz
Ramona Roller

PhD Students
Lavinia Damaschin
Michael Eigner
Aliona Ignatieva
Ilya Lavrov
Tiya Lei
Giorgios Michelakis
Mazlum Ozkan
Sayoni Santara
Jane Siwa
Soren Tummeltshammer
Rossella Vulcano
Sofie Wiersma
Roos Winter
Lidia Yatluk

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.15 a.m.
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