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Family, Life Course and Ageing

The FLAG cluster focuses on aspects of two related sociological phenomena that pose many challenges for society. Firstly, people are living much longer and, secondly, significantly fewer babies are being born than, for example, a century ago. This development (also called ‘grey pressure’) poses a major challenge for the health and wellbeing of the population, because there are fewer shoulders to bear the costs of the ageing population. Migration could be a solution, but international migration brings its own challenges, both for the societies of origin and destination. The research within the FLAG cluster focuses on the health and wellbeing of the population and on societal inequalities and investigates aspects of the aforementioned phenomena and their mutual connections in separate projects. In concrete terms, this concerns topics such as ageing, retirement, fertility (the number of children born), labour participation and international migration. The projects use a variety of research methods, such as network analysis, qualitative methods, and survey research.

Members of the cluster
Prof. Dr. Nardi Steverink
Dr. Basak Bilecen
Dr. Gert Stulp
Dr. Donald van Tol
Prof. Dr. Anne Gauthier (NIDI)

PhD students
Rolf Granholm
Alisha Scheuer
Lisa Sivak
Tugce Tezel
Amber Vellinga-Dings
Celeste Wu

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.15 a.m.
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