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Research by the Sociology department

The Sociology department has existed since 1938 and is one of the longest-standing sociology departments in the Netherlands. Sociology in Groningen is part of one of the four institutes within the ICS (Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology). The research within the department is characterized by advanced theory formulation and methods development, systematic integration of theory and empirical research, and both quantitative and qualitative data collection with the associated instruments. These characteristics can be found in the department within various separate lines of research.

We have five lines of research in which creating social prosperity plays a central role: 1. Norms and networks, 2. Sustainable cooperation, institutions, and organizations, 3. Social development of young people, 4. Healthy and happy ageing, and 5. Statistical methods for social network analysis. Experienced researchers work within these research lines on individual research and joint projects. We also seek collaboration with colleagues between the research lines in order to use everyone’s expertise within the department.

The Sociology department has the ambition to conduct research that is societally as well as scientifically significant. Current societal issues provide inspiration for this, such as ethnic segregation in education and neighbourhoods, gender inequality in the workplace, problematic behaviour among young people, and the consequences of an ageing population. We also regularly feed research findings back to society through practical research or scientifically substantiated interventions.




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