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The decision for placing children in out-of-home care is not straightforward. Often, there are conflicting interests and uncertain factors present. The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child states in article 12 that each child has the right to express their views in all matters affecting them, and that their views will be given due weight. Moreover, children who participate in the decision for out-of-home care more often have better outcomes. However, in The Netherlands only few children under the age of twelve participate in this decision. The main research question of this study is therefore:

‘How is the voice of children under the age of twelve currently weighted in the decision for out-of-home placement and how can this be strengthened?’

This study is a collaboration between the University of Groningen and Defence for Children. The research question will be answered by conducting a policy analysis, interviews with children and professionals, and a case file study.


  • Anne Steenbakkers
    Tel.: 050 363 6237
  • Mariëlle Bahlmann
    Tel.: 071 516 0980
  • Hans Grietens
  • Mirjam Blaak

The study started in January 2018 and is funded by Stichting Kinderpostzegels.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.07 a.m.
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