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Programme Committee Psychology


The Programme Committee in psychology monitors the educational quality of all BA and MA programs in psychology and advises – on request or on its own initiative – the Director of Teaching and has the right of consent with respect to the Teaching and Examination Regulations.

The committee mission is to help improving the quality of education in the psychology programs. It aims to do this by combining efforts of student and staff members, being alert and critical to challenges of current and future practices, aims to openly and constructively discuss these matters by engaging relevant stakeholders, and by engaging involved parties to develop new evidence-based ideas to improve the quality of teaching. The committee meets once per month throughout the academic year (third Tuesday each month, 9-11 am). The committee consists of four staff and four student members, plus supporting staff and invited guests.

If you have questions concerning the quality of education, that cannot be solved by directly contacting the relevant party, please inform the Programme Committee. For example, are there structural or incidental problems for multiple students or lecturers or do you worry that the quality of education may not benefit due to current practice? You can reach the committee via email: programmecommittee.psych

Programme Committee Psychology
Programme Committee Psychology
Name Function Section
Dalley, Dr S.E. teacher/researcher Teaching Unit Psychology (chair)
Epstude, Dr K. Associate professor Social Psychology
Leest, B. van der Vice Chairperson
Malea, M. Studentmember
Meer, dr E.M. van der Associate professor (with promotion rights) Clinical Neuropsychology
Ostafin, Dr B.D. Associate professor Experimental Psychology
Raut, V. Studentmember
Tenhunen, M. Studentmember

Formal support

Name function
Heimink-Groot, S.E.A.

Discipline director

Name dienst / functie
Wisse, prof dr B.M.


Name function
Hamstra, M. Advising student VIP
Romeijn, drs J.T.W. counselor
Last modified:20 June 2024 07.30 a.m.
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