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Methodology Shop

The Methodology Shop operates by appointment only!

Are you having statistical or methodological issues in your research?
We are a free advisory bureau for students and staff members at RUG (mainly Behavioral and Social Sciences), and we provide methodological or statistical support.

Asking for advice

There are two ways to ask for advice from the Methodology Shop:

Before consulting us, please investigate the matter as much as possible. Also, look at this short guide to help you start your analysis.

Consultation slots are 15 minutes long. If you have a question about basic methods (t-test, linear regression) booking one slot is sufficient. Please book two slots for more complex methods or to show your data. Students are allowed to book a maximum of two slots per week.

Shopkeepers at the Methodology Shop are typically BSS Research Master students; If you are from another faculty, be aware that our shopkeepers might not be familiar with some analyses or software.

All our shopkeepers are familiar with relatively simple techniques (e.g. general linear model, t-test, and programs such as SPSS). Not all our employees can help with more advanced topics such as MANOVA, LME, or specific programs such as R (studio) or MLwiN. Hence, you can look up which subjects our employees are specialized in .

Booking an appointment

Make an appointment for an in-person consultation.
In-person consultations take place in the Gadourek building - G0113.
Please be aware that the shop no longer provides online consultations.

Please make appointments using your UG-/UMCG-affiliated account. If you have any difficulty making appointments, email us at methodologyshop Please do not use this mail for your statistical questions.

Last modified:21 July 2024 11.44 a.m.
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