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About us

DEEP is a joint effort of two research units at the BSS Faculty at the university of Groningen:

  1. Theory and History of Psychology (THP), chaired by prof. Annette Mülberger, and
  2. Education in Culture, chaired by prof. Johannes Westberg. The members of these units are the core members of DEEP.
About Theory and History of Psychology

THP include researchers such as Annette Mülberger, Maarten Derksen, Stephan Schleim, and Jeremy Burman as permanent staff, heavily involved in research and teaching at the Heymans Institute (Department of Psychology). They coordinate a singular master track on “Theory and History of Psychology” and (co-)supervise many master theses and 13 PhD project in the field.

About Education in Culture

Education in Culture includes permanent staff teaching and doing research at the Nieuwenhuis Institute for Educational Research such as Johannes Westberg, Hilda Amsing, Sanne Parlevliet, Piet van der Ploeg, John Exalto, and Lourens van Haaften. Together, they coordinate also a particular master track on “Ethics of Education: Philosophy, History and Law” and (co-supervise) many Master theses and 15 PhD projects in this area.

Affiliated organizations

DEEP is part of broader international efforts in the field of theory and history of education and psychology. Affiliated organizations include:

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.12 a.m.
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