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I am looking for a coach

Is Coaching what I need?

  • Do you want to be more satisfied with your (study) results?
  • Do you experience high pressure in your studies or in your personal life?
  • Do you want to get better at study planning, and following through with these plans?
  • Do you want to procrastinate less and use your time more efficiently?
  • Do you want to be more productive in your studies?
  • Do you run the risk of not meeting the BSA?
  • Do you have trouble making choices?
  • Do you find it difficult to communicate your boundaries?
  • Do you want to improve your self-esteem?
  • Do you find it difficult to find your place/socialize among your fellow students?
  • Do you want to develop yourself further?

 Through (individual and/or focus-group) guidance, you will gain new insights that allow you to make new and better choices, experience less strain, and function better in your studies or work.

If you recognize yourself in one of these questions, or have other study- or well-being related questions that you would like to work on, please register via the registration form: -coaching trajectory.

After you have registered, a coach will be assigned to you. You will be approached by this coach for an exploratory conversation. After this, you can decide whether you want to continue with the coaching. A coaching trajectory consists on average of 5 sessions of approximately one hour each.

The coaching is free of charge, as the coaching workshop is a project of the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, in which certified coaches can expand their experience.

For further information on student well-being please take a look at the student-well being service of the RUG:

Last modified:01 July 2024 2.42 p.m.
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