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Seagrass plants collected in Denmark

08 April 2022

To research the restoration possibilities of subtidal eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the Dutch Wadden Sea, seagrass plants were collected in Denmark in March by researchers of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE). The plants are used for experiments in the climate chambers and greenhouse of FSE. After that, they will be planted in the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea. With these experiments, GELIFES researcher Katrin Rehlmeyer hopes to gain more insight into the optimal conditions for the reintroduction of subtidal eelgrass.

In the past, subtidal eelgrass – a seagrass species – grew in places that are permanently under water in the Dutch Wadden Sea, but it has disappeared since the 1930s. Eelgrass is considered a key species, with a major influence on other species and its environment. The reintroduction of eelgrass can therefore contribute to a richer underwater nature in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Before a reintroduction plan can start, there must be more knowledge about the factors that determine the survival chance of the eelgrass plants. Rehlmeyer does all kinds of experiments for this.

Read the full news item and more about the experiments on the Waddenmozaiek website (in Dutch only).

Seegrass plants collected in Denmark | photo: Laura Govers
Seegrass plants collected in Denmark | photo: Laura Govers
Last modified:04 August 2023 4.41 p.m.
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