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Prof. Marrink partner in BOUNDLESS consortium

28 January 2021

Prof. Siewert-Jan Marrink ( GBB ) participates in the interdisciplinary BOUNDLESS consortium led by Associate Professor Frans Mulder (Aarhus University) to study so-called membrane-less organelles and how these control key biological processes. Membrane-less organelles are unstructured macromolecular assemblies that behave like droplets (alike oil in water) and boost or quench biochemical reactions, for instance switching on and off signaling pathways. The BOUNDLESS programme has received EUR 2 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation – Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme. This is including a postdoc position for Marrink, who will focus on molecular dynamics simulations.

Last modified:28 January 2021 3.09 p.m.

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