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Popular book on the life of one spoonbill called Sinagote

14 April 2021

On April 9, a labour-of-love book by GELIFES employees Theunis Piersma and Petra de Goeij, and co-workers from Staatsbosbeheer (Dutch Forestry Commission) and University of Amsterdam, has been published. The book describes the life and friends of a spoonbill born in 2006 on Vlieland island. It was tagged with a UvA-BiTS tracker when breeding on Schiermonnikoog in 2013 (as part of the Waddenfonds funded Metawad project 2011-2016), and returned as a breeder to her colony of birth in 2014. Her winter destination has always been Séné in southern Brittany, and this gave her the Breton name ‘Sinagote’, ‘girl from Séné’. The illustrated narrative brings Sinagote and other spoonbills as close to the readers as possible.

NoordboekNatuur, Gorredijk, ISBN: 9789056157227

Last modified:14 April 2021 4.06 p.m.
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