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TOP NWO grant for Prof. Feringa

03 June 2013

Professor B. Feringa of the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry has been awarded a TOP grant of EUR 780,000 by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The grant is for his research on molecular motors. Feringa was the first to built a first molecular car in 1999; in 2011 he presented the molecular 'four wheel drive' car.

The research program is focussed on the design and function of molecular switches and motors and dynamic nanosystems. The control of molecular motion is considered one of the most important fundamental developments in the field of chemistry. This rapidly emerging area, moving molecular design to non-equilibrium systems and from molecules to functional molecular systems, provides the basis for future smart and dynamic materials that respond to external signals, molecular motors, nanomachines and biohybrid molecular devices among others. The research program will push the frontiers of dynamic molecular systems specifically molecular motors including demonstrating directional rotary motion at thesingle molecule level, controlling directional translational motion and molecular transport at interfaces under ambient conditions, exploit the cooperative action of assemblies of motors and control of biological function by molecular switches and rotary motors.

Last modified:22 August 2024 1.36 p.m.
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