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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Groningen Engineering Center (GEC)

Smart Industry

On this page you may find examples of successful projects developed in the area of Smart Industry by Engineering researchers at the University of Groningen and public and private partners.

North East Netherlands Region of Smart Factories
North East Netherlands Region of Smart Factories

Smart Industry Roadmap
Engineering researchers at the University of Groningen are active participants in the “Region of Smart Factories,” a field lab within the Smart Industry Roadmap of the High Tech Top Sector . The “Region of Smart Factories” is also a flagship project of the High Tech Systems and Materials North Netherlands in which 25 companies (large and small) and knowledge institutes conduct joint research. Focus will be on research issues such as flawlessness (zero-defect manufacturing), "first time right" designs of new products and manufacturing processes, and customized (flexible) manufacturing.

Several projects developed by engineers at the University of Groningen have been awarded by the local governments in North Netherlands within the frame of the Region of Smart Factories :

  • Prof. Dr. Marco Aiello’s project will deliver “Scalable sensor-software architectures for Big Data in the Manufacturing industry”
  • Dr. Antonis Vakis cooperates with Prof. Ton van den Boogaard (University of Twente) for the development of hybrid simulation models, based on material microstructure and interfacial properties, to predict and optimize the performance of combined metal forming and polymer injection moulding processes
Last modified:27 June 2024 09.31 a.m.