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Kick-off IMDI 2.0: Revolutionizing health care

Northern Knowledge profiling UG-UMCG Public Private Partnership success
28 May 2018

The Dutch healthcare innovation platform Innovative Medical Devices Initiative (IMDI) is switching to second gear. In 5 years the public private healthcare platform will deliver innovation that reduces or replaces 10 million hours of care time in the healthcare sector (417,000 days of care). IMDI 2.0 has developed healthcare technology that will save 50 million hours of care time in 2030 without increasing the costs of that care.

An ambitious goal, but achievable thinks Prof. Bart Verkerke, BioMedical Product Developer at the UMCG and Technical Director of SPRINT. SPRINT is one of the public private Centres of Research Excellence (CoRE’s) within IMDI. SPRINT focuses on care prevention and self-control over one’s own health, particularly among the elderly. Verkerke: ‘Achievable, because over the last 6 years we have proved within IMDI 1.0 that we are capable of making healthcare more sustainable by realising technical products. Moreover, we develop these products in close collaboration with all stakeholders: user, healthcare provider, healthcare insurer, investor, government and industry. That means the chance of implementing these products is greatly increased.’

Public Private successes

Several SPRINT prototypes have now been developed under IMDI 1.0 by researchers from the University of Groningen and the UMCG that are being brought to market together with private partners.

Prof. Corry van der Sluis, Rehabilitation Medicine , UMCG, is developing the Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization ( INPUT ) within SPRINT . INPUT simplifies the control of complex arm prostheses and offers users a reliable, easily applicable, cost effective healthcare innovation.

Prof. Hans Wortmann, Information Management, University of Groningen, is developing a toolbox within SPRINT@Work for setting up a sustainable office workplace. In addition to a smart desk chair, the toolbox provides employees with a set of measuring instruments based on sensor technology that measures working conditions. Gaining control over one’s own health means less absenteeism, increased work productivity and thus a decline in healthcare costs.

Dr. Claudine Lamoth, Gamification & Mobility and Rehabilitation, UMCG, has developed a serious ice skating game that provides the elderly a playful way to train their balance, at home or in a care environment.

And SPRINT partners recently presented a prototype smart bicycle, CRUISer (Cyclist RoadUser Interaction Support), for the elderly with a communicative lighting system that ensures that the elderly become less involved in accidents in traffic situations with other road users.

Verkerke: ‘A varied portfolio with validated products, services and concepts that have a significant impact on patients, healthcare and the economy.’

Public private collaboration delivering societal impact

Long-term public-private collaboration between the worlds of business, science and healthcare is the key to the healthcare revolution. The objective of IMDI 2.0 programme is to mobilise €100 million in public and private resources over 5 years, to realise 30 new spin-offs and deliver and implement 30 new healthcare products, healthcare services and/or healthcare solutions that will push down healthcare costs and significantly improve the lives of healthcare users. With the current healthcare policy the costs of care will double to a sum of 174 billion euros in 2040, by way of demographic developments and a strong increase in prosperity.

Verkerke: ‘ IMDI 1.0 has taught us that collaborating within long-term consortia of universities, healthcare institutions and private partners is productive and leads to a more sustainable healthcare and healthcare economy. A profitable adventure for all parties.’

Northern Knowledge is the open innovation platform of University of Groningen, UMCG, and Hanze University for Applied Sciences

Last modified:08 September 2020 3.44 p.m.
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