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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Groningen Engineering Center (GEC)

Internal call for GEC workshop proposals

When:Mo 01-05-2017 00:00 - 23:59

In 2017 the GEC is opening its Workshop series to help strengthen relations between engineering research at the University of Groningen and societal partners. For this purpose we are inviting workshop proposals from the GEC researchers, for which the Center offers a small financial contribution and organizational assistance.

Workshop format:
We are expecting proposals for a 1-day event (between 10.00 and 17.00, including lunch), submitted by GEC researchers gathering approximately 50 participants (from RUG and externally, whom you can select), targeted on a topic of interest to both academic and societal partners (it should involve at least 1 large societal partner). The proposal should be 1 A4 page long (1.5 cm margins) and pitch how your event will help with the societal profiling of engineering in Groningen.

Proposals can be submitted by May 1 at
s.costache and j.m.tinga . In case you may have questions, please contact s.costache

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