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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Groningen Engineering Center (GEC)

Groningen Engineering Center Annual Scientific Meeting

When:Tu 30-01-2018 11:30 - 18:30
Programme Scientific Meeting (30 January, 151 Bernoulliborg)

11.30-13.00: Poster session and Lunch

13.00-14.00: Lecture: Prof. Jaap Schouten (Chairman of the NWO Applied and Engineering Sciences domain, Member of the NWO Board of Directors) title:

Societal impact of science: are there best practices? (coffee break)

14.00-16.00: Interactive discussions of technological challenges and societal overture of individual research (coffee break)

16.00-17.00: Best thesis award & Best poster award

17.00-18.00: Drinks


Abstract: Societal impact of science: are there best practices?

Achieving societal impact of science is nowadays seen as an important task for the academic community, including not only the researchers themselves, but also policy makers, university managers, institute directors and research funders. This task stands next to the known role of science to advance and transform the frontiers of our knowledge. Here curiosity driven and applied research are mostly seen as two sides of the same coin, where their interaction may set the best conditions to create impact. What is societal impact, how is it achieved, how is it measured, how is it assessed across different discplines (e.g. engineering and social sciences), what is the role of education, and what strategies may be the best? These questions will be addressed in this talk and examples will be shown.

Bio Prof. Jaap Schouten:

From 2017 Jaap Schouten serves on the Executive Board of NWO and is chair of Applied and Engineering Sciences (TTW). He is professor in chemical reactor engineering at TU/e since 1998. From 2011 to 2016 he served as dean at the department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. He studied chemical engineering at University of Twente (MSc, 1983) and got his PhD at TU Delft (1988). He worked at Unilever Research (1988-1990) and at TU Delft (1990-1998). His research at TU/e focuses on novel reactor concepts, including spinning disc, rotating foam and micro reactors.

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