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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Groningen Engineering Center (GEC)

Expert Workshop on Hydrotreatment of Bio-liquids

When:Th 15-10-2020 14:00 - 17:30
Where:Online (Please use this link: for more information and registration)

This online workshop is organised by the EU funded research consortium ABC-Salt, coordinated by ENTEG researcher Erik Heeres.

Invited to this workshop are all Industrial developers in the bioenergy fields, Academic and industrial researchers, Transport and aviation fuel producers and brokers, Bio-fuel end-users, Policymakers and business partners, EU/INEA projects' members, Representatives of public authorities and others.


  • Identify technical “bottlenecks” and challenges in bio-liquids upgrading at different levels (from molecular to process level)
  • Identify non-technical challenges
  • Foster networking, knowledge exchange and future collaboration between participants
  • Promote INEA projects and engage participants with the ABC-Salt Research Consortium


  • Presentations by industrial and scientific stakeholders
  • Topics: pyrolysis, hydrothermal liquefaction, sugar fractionations, bio-liquids upgrading – hydrotreatment, hydrodeoxygenation
  • Presentation on European innovation policy
  • Discussion panel and networking opportunities
  • Confirmed speakers: Doug Elliott (PNNL), Robbie Venderbosch (BTG), Dmitry Murzin (Åbo Akademi), Gert-Jan Gruter (Avantium ), Erik Heeres (RUG/ABC-Salt Horizon 2020 project)


Please use this link: for more information and registration. After registration, the organisation will contact you directly with the final agenda and joining instructions.

This is a public event organised by the ABC-Salt Research Consortium "Advanced Biomass Catalytic Conversion to Middle Distillates in Molten Salts". This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 764089.

Please visit for details on the ABC-Salt Research Project and other public events.

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