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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Education Engineering Doctorate (EngD)

Engineering Doctorates (EngD)

Autonomous Systems & Sustainable Process Design
  • Do you have a Master’s degree and want to keep studying while earning money?
  • Are you seeking to kick-start your career in engineering?
  • Do you want to create innovative design solutions for real challenges in the high-tech or chemical industry?
  • Always wanted to further develop your professional and technical skills?

Then our Engineering Doctorate programmes are for you!

What is an Engineering Doctorate (EngD)?

An EngD is a 2-year post-master programme that combines studying with practical experience in industry. The programme is focused on training you to become a designer that can solve technical challenges in an industry of your interest. Our programmes are fully English-taught and focus on the areas of high-tech and chemical industries.

2 year post-master programme
combine theory and practice
technological design
paid position, no tuition fees
career kick-starter in industry

EngD programmes at the UG

There are 2 EngD programmes at the University of Groningen:

  • Autonomous Systems
    For the design of technical solutions for challenges related to the automatisation of systems in the high-tech industry.
  • Sustainable Process Design
    For the design of technical solutions for challenges related to the sustainability of processes in the chemical industry.

Differences between an EngD and PhD

Both EngD and PhD programmes are post-master programmes where you deepen your technological knowledge. However, they differ in terms of focus.

Where a PhD aims to establish you as an independent researcher in the academic world, an EngD prepares you for a more applied use of the knowledge and for a position in industry. Moreover, a PhD-programme lasts 4 years and an EngD programme only 2 years.

Why join our EngD programmes

An EngD programme is a kick-start to your career in industry. Besides career and possible new job opportunities you will have the following advantages: 

  • Combination of studying and earning money (no tuition fees)
  • Development and deepening of professional skills and knowledge
  • Hands-on experience in industry
  • Programme is entirely in English
  • Employed at the University or the company
  • Start your career in industry and build up networks
  • Awarded to use the academic degree - “Engineering Doctorate (EngD)“

How to apply

Our EngD programmes are open to MSc graduates in the Netherlands and internationally. You will find more information about the application process, admisson and selection procedure on the pages of Autonomous Systems and Sustainable Process Design.

Last modified:23 December 2024 10.20 a.m.