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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Education Admission and application Application route - Bachelor Apply for a Bachelor

Apply with an International diploma

Please note: As of academic year 2023-2024 all applicants with a non-Dutch qualification will have to pay an application fee.

Three simple steps

We have split up the admission and application process into different steps:

Application deadline

All our Bachelor's programmes start in September.

15 January - Numerus Fixus

The following bachelor degree programmes are numerus fixus (fixed quota) programmes:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Computing Science
  • Pharmacy

Students who apply for a numerus fixus programme will have to successfully complete a selection procedure before they can be admitted to the programme. Candidates will be selected based on their suitability and motivation for the programme. The highest ranked candidates will be admitted to the programme. The ranking will be based on the candidates' grade list and the selection test result. When candidates' scores are equal, their motivation letter and CV will be decisive.

Prospective students can apply for a numerus fixus degree programme from 1 October 2022 until 15 January 2023, 23:59 (CET). More information on how to take part in the numerus fixus procedure will be sent to you by email after 15 January 2023.

Please note: next to this selection procedure, prospective students will also have to successfully complete the admission procedure. More information can be found at the bottom of  this  page.

1 May

The 1 May application deadline applies to the following programmes

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied Physics
  • Astronomy
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Industrial Engineering & Management
  • Life Science and Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

You can apply for the September 2023 intake before 1 May 2023.

Last modified:16 May 2024 1.25 p.m.