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All of the Netherlands - 25th Planning lecture with Hugo de Jonge on 8 May

06 April 2023
25th Planning Lecture with Hugo de Jonge
25th Planning Lecture with Hugo de Jonge

'All of the Netherlands' is a solid end to the period of dismantling spatial planning and thirty years of decentralization. The national government wants to regain control over spatial planning. The motives for this reach us daily through the news, newspapers and social media. There is an accumulation of crises. The housing crisis is not the least of these. And many of these crises have far-reaching spatial consequences. With 'All of the Netherlands', the new Ministry of VRO reaches out to all parties in the Netherlands to arrive at a common story.

25th Planning Lecture

With the 25th Planning Lecture, Minister Hugo de Jonge will give his vision on this joint story. With this lecture he also wants to restore the conversation with the academic world of Planning and invite them to contribute to 'All of the Netherlands'.

More information and registration

The lecture will take place in the Nieuwe Kerk in Groningen on May 8th, 2023 at 2 pm. you can enter the venue from 1.30 onwards. The lecture is in Dutch, but translators will be available. Registration is necessarry via

Last modified:17 April 2023 11.08 a.m.
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