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Application and selection procedure

  • How can I apply?

    Everyone, whether the student has received an invitation or not, must request access to the Bachelor selection organization’s portal where they can find the application form. Students can request access via the application procedure ‘Request Form’, which can be found on the Honours College website.

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    Please, contact the Honours College via honours
  • May I apply for a place in the Honours College, or must I wait for an invitation?

    Yes, you can apply for a place in the Honours College.

    Everyone, whether the student has received an invitation or not, must follow the same application procedure, and needs to request access to the Bachelor selection organization’s portal where they will find the application form.

    Students can request access via the application procedure ‘Request Form’, which can be found on the Honours College website

    Do you still have a question?
    Please, contact the Honours College via honours
  • I'm highly motivated to join the Honours College but do not meet the standards.

    In that case, you will not receive a letter inviting you to apply but you are free to do so. Use the Application procedure request form.

    Do you still have a question?
    Please, contact the Honours College via honours
  • I'm highly motivated and expect to meet the standards, yet I haven't received an invitation.

    You do not have to receive an invitation to apply for a place in the Honours College. Everyone, whether the student has received an invitation or not, must request access to the Bachelor selection organization’s portal where they will find the application form. Students can request access via the application procedure ‘Request Form’, which can be found on the Honours College website

    Do you still have a question?
    Please, contact the Honours College via honours
  • I've applied, but I haven't heard anything yet?

    This could take a few weeks, as we have to process all the applications. You will of course hear from us.

    Do you still have a question?
    Please, contact the Honours College via honours
  • I am a non-Dutch student, I do not speak Dutch, but I am very interested in the Honours College programme. Can I apply?

    You may certainly apply. Should your Faculty give the deepening programme in Duch, we will find a solution for you. The broadening programmes are in English.

    Do you still have a question?
    Please, contact the Honours College via honours
  • I got a 5 for my secondary school English exam although the rest of my marks were high - will that be a problem?

    In itself, this isn't a problem, although you will have to consider whether your English will be good enough to be able to successfully complete the broadening modules.

    Do you still have a question?
    Please, contact the Honours College via honours
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