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About us Faculty of Spatial Sciences Education

Learning Communities

Being a first year student may be anxiety inducing, confusing and scary. Getting thrown into the deep end of University life is difficult. So to help you get on your feet and remove as much of the pressure as possible the faculty has introduced the Learning Communities.

The Learning Communities are an integral part of the first year of the bachelors of the Faculty of Spatial Sciences.The concept of the learning communities comes from Erik Mazur: “Students of various levels and backgrounds work together, coach and challenge each other, and enhance each other's learning experiences”. In addition, the focus for the Learning Communities is on the social aspects and on developing study skills.

Your mentors will be Students who have finished their first year of Human Geography and Planning or Spatial Planning and Design have a clear view on what they have learned and why this is useful. They will guide you through the first semester of your studies, help you prepare for your exams, further develop your study skills and promote a healthy social environment for all first year students. A Learning Community is a group of 10-15 first year students which are randomly put together to increase the involvement between students, but also between student and staff.

Weekly meetings in 1a and 1b form the core of the Learning Communities. In addition, the Learning Communities undertake 3 activities during semesters 1a and 1b, one of which is preferably combined with another LC:

  1. One large activity organized by the students with their mentors and are usually excursions and trips to nearby cities. This activity aims to strengthen the bond between students in the LC, help realize concepts from the courses in the real world, but also to enjoy a nice day in a new place.

  2. One small social activity. The social activity is aimed at building a stronger social bond as a group, anything fun from boat tours in the canals to visiting the Groningen museum.

  3. One University bound activity. These activities may be hosted by student associations or the faculty itself. Aimed at being a more formal activity, the university activity should help give a student a good picture of the future of their studies or a glimpse into their careers.

At the end of semester 2a, all Learning Community members reflect on the cohesion of the above described activities in a reflection form that is part of the IAR course. With this we hope to improve future LCs and give all first year students an amazing start to their academic journey.

Good luck, and hopefully the LCs will give you a better start than you could have ever imagined!

Contact persons:
Reinier Schoep (LC Coordinator/ Study advisor)
Roos Anne Scholtens (LC-Student Assistent 2024-2025)

Email: learningcommunitiesfss

Last modified:18 June 2024 12.31 p.m.