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Annual meeting : The Knowledge Center Philosophy (Kenniscentrum Filosofie, KCF)

When:We 16-11-2022 15:00 - 16:00
Where:room Gamma

The Knowledge Center Philosophy (Kenniscentrum Filosofie, KCF) would like to invite you all to our annual meeting on Wednesday, November 16th, from 3 to 4pm in room Gamma.

For those of you new to our faculty or to the KCF, the KCF is the science shop of our faculty which supports applied philosophical research and helps to establish connections with societal organizations.

At our meeting, we will tell you a bit about what the KCF does, our past, present and future activities. We will also discuss ways in which we could help you to connect your research to societal issues and actors.

We hope to see you on 16 November!

Yorick Karseboom & Marc Pauly

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