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Call for Abstracts - Workshop Phenomenology and Symbolic Cognition

When:Fr 27-01-2023 10:00 - 17:15
Where:Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Groningen

Along with the OZSW Phenomenology Study Group and Dutch Society for Phenomenology and Existentialism, the Faculty of Philosophy at University of Groningen is hosting a one-day workshop on Phenomenology and Symbolic Cognition. The morning session will consist of work-in-progress papers, and the afternoon session will comprise of lectures by senior researchers. We encourage advanced research master students, PhD candidates, and academic researchers to submit papers for presentation, on any topic that concerns phenomenology (very broadly construed) and the structure of symbolic cognition / behavior (also work on icons, language, concepts, etc. are of interest). We invite historical-philosophical papers, but also work that relates to archaeology, art, and evolutionary psychology.

Abstracts must not exceed 400 words and should be prepared for blind review. Please send as a PDF or Word file by December 15, 2022 to Corijn van Mazijk (c.van.mazijk with the subject heading: Phenomenology and Symbolic Cognition Submission. Please include your name, academic affiliation, email and paper title with your submission. Papers should be suitable either for a 20-25 minute work-in-progress presentation, or a 40 minute lecture.

Participation is free. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Submission Deadline: December 15, 2022

Acceptance Notification: December 25, 2022


10.00 – 10.30: Coffee and welcome

10.30 – 14.00: Work-in-progress presentations (with breaks)

14.00 – 15.30: Lunch

15.30 – 17.15: Lectures

17.15 – Closing & drinks

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