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Workshop: Exploring the structure of appearance

From:Fr 24-01-2020
Until:Fr 03-04-2020
Where:Room Alpha

Exploring the structure of appearance: intentionality, attention and the multi-layered nature of experience through Anapanasati practice


Meetings will introduce basic information and reflections on the Anapanasati-sutta, they will include some time devoted to group practice, and will leave ample time for sharing the participants’ own reflections and contributions. Attending the workshop does not presuppose any previous experience or familiarity with anapanasati practice. However, it is expected some commitment to engage with this practice during the period in which the workshop will take place.

Time and location: all meetings take place from 4pm to 7pm at the Faculty of Philosophy, room Alpha

  1. Friday, January 24, 2020: Introduction: appearance and experience
  2. Friday, February 7, 2020: First tetrade: recollectedness of the body
  3. Friday, February 21, 2020: Second tetrade: recollectedness of feeling tones
  4. Friday, March 6, 2020: Third tetrade: recollectedness of mind
  5. Friday, March 20, 2020: Fourth tetrade: recollectedness of phenomena
  6. Friday, April 3, 2020: The structure of appearance, general conclusions

Registration and information

For registration please use this link:

For information: Send an email to Andrea Sangiacomo

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