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Workshop: Deliberation and Decision-Making in Social Movements

When:Th 30-01-2020
Where:Faculty of Philosophy, room Alfa

Workshop organized by Lisa Herzog and Justo Serrano Zamora

The workshop is organized as part of the research project „Democracy and Its Futures" (DemoFutures). DemoFuturesis a Franco-German cooperation (funded by the ANR and the DFG) aiming at analyzing the tensions between current forms of governance and new forms of social mobilization. One of its main goals is to explore the democratic potentials of social movements in an era of governance, by analyzing their innovative practices with regard to organization, decision-making, epistemic production and collective action. It also aims at understanding the difficulties they need to confront in their innovations.

The workshop brings together sociologists and philosophers from different academic and national contexts. All participants work on democracy and social movements, broadly understood. The aim is to share ideas and to discuss on-going research. The workshop focuses on the analysis of the democratic practices of mobilized groups: practices of critique, new participatory formats, consensus decision-making, and knowledge production and sharing. We aim at exploring both their prospects and their limitations as democratic innovations, combining philosophical, methodological and empirical analysis.


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