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CANCELLED Summerschool: Methodology in the History of Philosophy

From:Su 05-07-2020
Until:Th 09-07-2020
Where:Room Alfa

Confirmed lecturers are: Christia Mercer (Colombia University), Delphine Antoine-Mahut (ENS Lyon), Jan van Ophuijsen (Utrecht University), Kobus Marais (UFS South Africa)

History of philosophy has become increasingly mindful of the need for critical reflection on its methodologies. Instead of merely pursuing the oftentimes narrow way of reading and understanding a philosophical work by means of analytical or rational reconstruction, researchers have become increasingly sensitive to the historical context and situatedness of a philosophical text.

Furthermore, the field has become aware of the harmful exclusion of underrepresented or marginalised groups (such as women philosophers, or non-western traditions of philosophy). There is a growing desire to move beyond the traditional boundaries of the philosophical canon studying also the so called ‘minor’ figures of our past. In short, the field has seen the need for a more inclusivist approach of studying past authors. In addition, new approaches such as digital humanities are opening up new exciting means of analysing texts on large scales.

The Department of History of Philosophy at the University of Groningen invites papers of master’s and PhD students as well as junior and senior researchers. The aim of the summer school is to collaboratively reflect on methodological changes in history of philosophy as well as to foster interactions between philosophers at different stages of their career. The summer school will offer participants new insights into the different approaches to the study of the history of philosophy. Participants will be encouraged to reflect upon their own practices of interpretation, and develop a more differentiated approach to the history of philosophy.

View programme, learning outcomes and applications procedure

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