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Peter Verhoef appointed as member of the EQUIS Committee

02 July 2024
Professor Peter Verhoef, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business,

Professor Peter Verhoef, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, has been appointed as a member of the EQUIS committee as of July 1st.

The EQUIS Committee, composed of academic and corporate representatives, advises the EQUIS Director on the strategic development of EQUIS. All major decisions concerning policy, standards and procedures are submitted to the EQUIS Committee for consultation. The EQUIS Committee approves the eligibility of schools that are applying for EQUIS accreditation. EQUIS is one of the two leading international accreditation bodies for business education, run by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). 

Current members of the EQUIS Committee are:

Ex Officio Members

  • Eric Cornuel, President, EFMD
  • Alfons Sauquet, EQUIS Director, Quality Services, EFMD - Chairman of EQUIS Committee
  • Sofia Salgado, Associate Director, EQUIS, EFMD

International Academic Members

  • Paolo Boccardelli, Director, Centre for Research in Strategic Change & Former Dean, LUISS Business School, IT
  • Wanda Costen, Dean, Smith School of Business, Queen's University, CA
  • Marion Debruyne, Dean, Vlerick Business School, BE
  • Gunther Friedl, Dean, TUM School of Management, Technische Universität München, DE
  • Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger, Former Rector, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, AT
  • Delphine Manceau, Dean, NEOMA Business School, FR
  • Eric Rodríguez, Faculty Member, International School of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Universidad de La Sabana, CO
  • Karen Spens, President, BI Norwegian Business School, NO
  • Rajendra Srivastava, Former Dean and Novartis Professor of Marketing Strategy and Innovation, Indian School of Business, IN
  • Hitoshi Takehara, Dean, Waseda Business School, Waseda University, JP
  • Fan Wang, Dean, Business School, Sun Yat-sen University, CN
  • Marie Wilson, Former Deputy Vice Chancellor & Chief Academic Services Officer, University of South Australia, AU
  • Houmin Yan, Former Dean, College of Business, City University of Hongkong, CN

International Corporate Members

  • Philippe Bonnet, Managing Partner, Zen Consulting & Executive Coaching, SG
  • Delphine Jumelle-Paulet, Dean, The Next MBA and Head of Faculty, Mazars, FR

Fostering the quality of business schools

Peter Verhoef was very pleased with his appointment: ”It is an honor to serve on this committee. EFMD is an important organization that aims to ensure the quality in business schools around the globe. In the past years, I have been contributing to EFMD as a member of multiple Peer Review Teams, assessing whether Schools qualify for an EQUIS accreditation. By serving on the EQUIS committee, I intend to further contribute to EFMD and emphasize the importance of fostering the quality of business schools. At the same time, my membership of this committee demonstrates FEBs’ strong commitment to EFMD.”

The EQUIS Committee normally meets three times a year at the request of the EQUIS Director, who chairs the meetings. Verhoef’s first meeting with the Committee is scheduled in November.

Last modified:02 July 2024 3.55 p.m.

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