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PRME report highlights FEB’s commitment to sustainability

14 November 2022
Duisenberg building

This year, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) has published its first Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Report. The report bundles information on the sustainability activities at the faculty in the areas of governance, research, teaching, transfer and outreach, as well as in operations.

Vice Dean of Education Manda Broekhuis proudly presents FEB’s first PRME Report. Broekhuis: “As an institution of higher education involved in the development of current and future managers, FEB sees ethics, (corporate) responsibility and sustainability as important factors defining good leadership and thus as an important part of education and research in economics and business. FEB identifies and adopts its’ responsibility to address major societal challenges, as represented by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We aim to forge strong connections within and outside the institution to create impact by addressing key societal challenges.”

Societal themes

The faculty addresses SDGs in multiple ways in their education, research and impact activities. To enhance our impact on emerging societal, economic and business challenges we have defined five societally relevant themes for research, education, and impact activities: Healthy Society, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Energy Transition & Climate Change, Leadership & Governance, and Future Prosperity & Sustainability.

Since committing to PRME in 2020, FEB has expanded its efforts in PRME-related areas. For instance, over the past two years FEB has taken steps to create a more diverse and inclusive learning and working environment: through the appointment of a Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) officer and the establishment of a working group on Diversity, Inclusion and Social Safety. Broekhuis: “Though FEB has already taken important steps to implement PRME principles over the years, we realize the importance of our sustained commitment to cultural change. I am proud of what FEB has achieved so far and endorse FEB’s continuous effort in furthering our goals.”

Read the full PRME report.

United Nations-supported initiative

PRME is a United Nations-supported initiative founded in 2007. Designed as a platform, PRME equips students with the understanding and the ability to change the world of tomorrow. At the same time, PRME wants to raise awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Last modified:30 January 2023 11.31 a.m.
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