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Lex Hoogduin appointed to Committee European Economy

14 January 2021

Professor Lex Hoogduin has been appointed to the Committee European Economy, an independent committee, that falls under the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The committee’s task is to explore and formulate options for the Dutch cabinet’s deployment of the European financial and economic policy to make the European economy as a whole more stable and more resilient.

The committee will analyse the European monetary and fiscal policy, including the financing of these policies as well as the role of the banking sector and the interaction between these fields. While there have been previous analyses of these subjects, the current COVID-19 pandemic has enlarged the challenges of the EU and the EMU (European Monetary Union).

Hoogduin: "This committee has a very important task. It should prepare options for Dutch policy makers to improve the stability and resilience of the EU economy. It is crucial that policy makers have these options in view of the upcoming national elections, followed by the formation of a new cabinet and the aim of recovering from the current coronacrisis in a sustainable manner"

The committee will report to the Ministeries by 1 July 2021.

More information

For more information, please contact professor Lex Hoogduin.

Last modified:01 February 2023 4.20 p.m.
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