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About us FEB Education Study programmes Pre-Msc / FEB

Registration steps in Studielink

For Pre-Master programmes

Step 1: account in Studielink

Step 1: account in Studielink

First, start by making an account in Studielink and adding your previous education details. For a correct registration in the pre-Master programme, please follow the next steps in Studielink.


  • To be able to see the Pre-Master programmes in Studielink, you need to switch the language to English.
  • Students with an official home address in the Netherlands need to log in with DigiD, students who live outside the Netherlands can create an account to log in Studielink.
  • Make sure your personal details always match the information given in your passport/ID card and include your previous education.
  • For a pre-Master registration please do not forget to include your bachelor (HBO) diploma/education even if you have not graduated (yet).
  • Never use a student or work related email address and, if by mistake you registered for a wrong programme just withdraw your registration and start a new one.

Step 2: choose a study programme

After filling in all the details about your previous education, you can go to the next step ‘Choose a study programme’. Here, on the left side, you can find four drop-down options. Please fill them in with the following information, see image below.

  • Educational Institution: select University of Groningen;
  • Study programme level: select WO Bachelor;
  • Academic load: select Full-time;
  • Main language: leave this field empty.

To make your search easier, you can add 'Pre-Master Business' in the search bar 'Fill in study programme'. On the right side, you will be able to see all the Pre-Master options at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

decorative image

You can find the Pre-Master programme of your choice under a different name in Studielink - please see the table below. It is important that you sign up for the correct programme in Studielink from the beginning. In this way, your application will be evaluated for the right Pre-Master's programme.

Name of the Pre-Master

Programme name in Studielink

Accountancy and Controlling (HBO-AC) - 30 EC

Business Administration, Pre-Master Accountancy and Controlling (for HBO-AC), 30 EC (English taught)

Accountancy and Controlling (HBO F&C/BE) - 30 EC

Business Administration: Pre-Master Accountancy and Controlling, 30 EC)

Accountancy and Controlling (standard programme - 60 EC)

Business Administration: Pre-Master Accountancy and Controlling, 60 EC)

Business Administration (all profiles: Health, SIM, SB&E, Change, and MAC)

Human Resource Management


Technology and Operations Management&Supply Chain Management

Business Administration (Pre-Master, English taught)


International Economics and Sustainable Development

Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (Pre-Master, English taught)

Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies (see note below)

Econometrie & Operationele Research (Pre-Master, English taught)

International Business and Management International Financial Management

International Business (Pre-Master, English taught)

Economics (tailor made, see note below)
Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (Pre-Master, English taught)
Economics for HBO
Economie en Bedrijfseconomie (Pre-Master, English taught)

Please note: Students can not apply directly for the Pre-Master programmes Economics (tailor made) or for the Pre-master Econometrics, Operations and Actuarial Studies. Instead students need to apply to the respective Master programmes first.

Step 3: study programme details

After you have chosen your Pre-Master programme, please go further to 'Study programme details'. Here the 'Start date', 'Type of enrolment' and 'Start as' options are fixed for our Pre-Master programmes.

Step 4: institutional questions

Next step is to fill in and answer the 'Institutional questions'. Please select here which Pre-Master programme you are applying for.

Step 5: confirm

After answering and confirming all questions you will get to the tab 'Confirm', where you check all the study details you added in the previous tabs. If the information is correct you can confirm your enrolment application.

Are you looking for information on registering in the Progress Portal?
Last modified:28 February 2025 3.43 p.m.