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BSc International Business - Numerus fixus

The University of Groningen uses a system of fixed quota (‘numerus fixus’) for its Bachelor’s degree programme in International Business (BSc IB) (Croho 50019). This means that a limited number of places (550) are available. These places are assigned via a selection procedure, which is based on two selection tests. Your results on the tests will be compared to the results of the other participants to determine your ranking number and thus your chances of admission.
Your CV and study results in prior education will not be taken into account in the selection procedure.

Admission and Selection procedure

Admission and Selection Procedure 2025-2026

The application procedure for the start of the BSc IB in September 2025 will open on 1 October 2024. The final deadline for application in Studielink is 15 January 2025. All applicants will have to successfully complete both an admission and a selection procedure.

The admission and selection procedure consists of the following steps:

Step 1:           Apply at
Step 2:           Fill out and submit the BSc IB selection web form
Step 3:           Prepare for the selection test
Step 4:           Take the selection test
Step 5:           Ranking number and admission

Step 1: Apply in Studielink

On the Studielink website, you can apply for a programme in Dutch higher education. Apply for the Bachelor programme International Business (CROHO 50019) of the University of Groningen on Studielink between 1 October 2024 and 15 January 2025, which is the deadline for application.

Make sure to select 1 September 2025 as the start date and Groningen as your preferred location; otherwise, you may encounter issues during the application process.

Please follow the instructions in Studielink carefully. For questions about registration in Studielink, please contact Student Information & Administration services.

Fixed quota degree programme

You may apply for a maximum of two fixed quota degree programmes in one academic year. This can also be the same degree programme at two different educational institutions. Please consult the studiekeuze123 website for more information.


Applicants transferring from a similar Bachelor's programme from another Dutch university, follow the same application and enrollment steps as other candidates, including selection. This means you need to apply via Studielink as a first-year student. After full enrollment, you can request exemptions through the Examination Board.

Applying with a Dutch VWO diploma

Applicants with a Dutch (VWO) diploma who have completed their registration in Studielink, should continue with step 2 of the selection procedure (Fill out and submit the BSc IB selection web form).

Applying with a non-Dutch diploma or International / European Baccalaureate

Applicants with a non-Dutch diploma or International/European Baccalaureate who have completed their registration in Studielink, will receive a message from Studielink stating that the University of Groningen (UG) has to verify your educational background through the Progress Portal. This system allows you to upload digital copies of your application documents and offers you the opportunity to keep track of the progress of your application.

The admissions officer determines if your previous education is in principle sufficient for admission to the University of Groningen. Please note, the deadline for submitting your application in the Progress Portal is 15 January 2025.
More information about the admission process can be found here.
For questions about diploma validation, please contact the Admission Office.

Applicants with a non-Dutch diploma or International/European Baccalaureate who have completed their registration in Studielink, should continue with step 2 of the selection procedure (Fill out and submit the BSc IB selection web form).

Applying with a Dutch HBO-P

To enroll with an HBO background, you must demonstrate sufficient prior knowledge at the VWO level through one or more additional exams. On this page, you will find information about these additional entry requirements, how to meet them, and the steps you need to take.

Applicants with a Dutch HBO-Propedeuse who have completed their registration in Studielink, should continue with step 2 of the selection procedure (Fill out and submit the BSc IB selection web form). 

Step 2: Fill out and submit the BSc IB selection webform

The selection procedure of the BSc International Business at the University of Groningen is separate from the admission procedure for all applicants.

All applicants must submit the official BSc IB selection web form to participate in the BSc IB selection procedure. In this web form, we will ask you for some personal details, your secondary school, and your preference for the day of the selection tests. Your CV and study results in prior education will not be considered in the selection, but the web form information is needed to proceed with the selection procedure.

You will receive a link to the BSc IB selection web form by email after your registration for the BSc IB in Studielink. Please be aware that this email may end up in the spam folder of your mailbox, so please check this folder regularly.

The final deadline to submit the BSc IB selection web form is 1 February 2025. Please note that forms submitted after the deadline will not be processed.

For questions regarding technical or procedural issues only, please contact (please include your full name and UG student number in your email).

Step 3: Prepare for the selection tests

Process and objectives of the selection tests

The selection tests aim to give you a realistic idea of what the IB programme offers and what will be expected from you. The test involves studying literature that is representative of the programme and watching video lectures. Later, you will be tested through two tests with multiple-choice and/or open questions based on similar materials.

The selection tests cover two subjects, i.e. (1) Introduction to International Business, and (2) International Economics and Environment. These so-called curriculum sampling tests provide a good indication of academic performance in the first years (and long term) and help us select the best students. Moreover, they give you a sample of what our curriculum looks like. 

Preparing for the selection tests: Test Preparation Library & practice test environment

To prepare for the tests, you will have to study relevant literature and watch the video lecture(s). This material will be made available on our student portal, in the IB Selection Test Preparation Library, and communicated to applicants after 15 January 2025. The Test Preparation Library will be open until 14 February 2025.

We will not provide any additional study material, practice questions, or previous exams. Seriously studying the literature provided in the Test Preparation Library should suffice to pass the selection tests.

You will have to understand and be able to apply the theory. You will have to remember relevant definitions and formulas and be able to apply and use them when answering the questions. There will not be enough time to look up all definitions during the tests, as the tests will only be open during a limited time span.

To familiarize yourself with how the tests will be administered, you will be able to practice on our student portal, the test environment, with a short practice test. This practice test is similar in format to the selection tests.

Make sure you test your computer/laptop and Internet connection in advance. Make sure you prepare well for the selection tests by studying the provided literature and practicing in the test environment


The literature, video(s), and tests are in English, matching our teaching language in the BSc IB programme.

Step 4: Take the selection tests

You will be automatically registered for the selection tests if you have applied in Studielink and have filled out and submitted the IB selection web form. Based on your preference, we will send an email with the date and information how to enter the tests. The selection tests take place online.

Test dates

In the webform (Step 2), you indicate your preferred day for the selection tests from the following options:
Option 1: 15 February 2025
Option 2: 1 March 2025
Test time frame: 11.00 - 17.00 CET

A wide time frame is determined for taking the online test to accommodate international time differences. Within this time frame, you can choose the starting time to take the test (approx. 1 hour, including breaks).

You will be automatically registered for the selection test on the day you pick in the webform, if we receive your registration in good time.

The selection test takes place online, which means you can take it from any location (including abroad). The exam should be taken using a computer or laptop, not a mobile device (e.g., tablet or phone). Standard browsers such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox are suitable to use. Please do not use a VPN or other method of IP address masking during the exam to avoid technical problems.

Step 5: Ranking number and admission

The BSc IB programme management will review all individual applications that

  • are in principle admissible to the University of Groningen based on their previous education;
  • have successfully completed the steps above;
  • have not already participated in the BSc IB selection procedure three times before.

The individual applicant will be awarded with a score on the selection tests. The overall score of each individual applicant will be compared to the scores of the entire cohort of applicants, to award the individual applicant a specific place in the ranking.

Applicants with a ranking number within the numerus fixus (fixed quota 550) will be immediately offered a place in the programme. Applicants have a maximum of two weeks to accept this place. You must accept your confirmation of placement via Studielink within two weeks of receipt. If the offer is not accepted within this time, the offer will be withdrawn and will be automatically offered to the next applicant in the ranking (ranking numbers 551 and higher).

You will receive your ranking number via Studielink on 15 April 2025. You will either be offered a place (ranking numbers 1-550) or be placed on the waiting list (ranking numbers over 550). More information about your personal results, ranking number, and the further process will be emailed to you shortly after 15 April 2025.

Places can continue to be offered until 15 August 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

•    Q:    When will I get more information about the IB selection test?
•    A:    In the days leading up to the test you will receive an email with details about the test, as well as a  link to the test environment. Please also check your spam folder!

•    Q:    I chose March 1st as my preferred test date, can I get access to the Test Preparation Library after February 14th?
•    A:    No, the Test Preparation Library closes after February 14th for all students.

Overview of Steps and Deadlines

The table below provides a brief overview of the most important steps and crucial deadlines. Make sure you meet these deadlines, because exceeding them will result in exclusion from participation in the selection procedure.

Sign up via Studielink
1 Oct 2024 – 15 Jan 2025
Fill in web form
1 Feb 2025
Information about the selection procedure and selection test
Shortly after 15 Jan 2025

Prepare for the selection tests on IB Selection Test Preparation Library (UG student portal Brightspace) invitation after 15 January

14 February 2025
Online selection tests option 1
15 February 2025
Online selection tests option 2
1 March 2025
Ranking numbers announced (Studielink)
15 April 2025
Information about selection test results and ranking number
No later than 18 April 2025
Places that are not accepted are offered to applicants next in the ranking
1 May 2025 – 15 August 2025
All places assigned by ranking
Finalize the registration (please refer to the registration information on UG website: with non-Dutch qualification or with Dutch qualification
31 August 2025
Start of the academic year
1 September 2025

More information and contact

For more information about the rules and regulation concerning selection and placement procedures within the University of Groningen, please see the Portal Fixed Quota Programmes of the University of Groningen. More questions? Please visit our FAQ page.

If you have further questions please contact, including your 7 digit UG student number in the email.

While the University of Groningen makes every endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the information presented about our numerus fixus procedures, it cannot be held liable for any errors or inaccuracies you may find. No rights can be derived from incorrect or incomplete information.

Last modified:25 February 2025 11.03 a.m.