Search for new physics with low-energy precision tests

With this summer school we aim to provide young scientists (Masters, PhDs, and Postdocs) with a comprehensive introduction to different aspects of the search for physics beyond the Standard Model. A special focus of the school is to bring together people working on experiments and theory. Topics will include the status of the Standard Model and its extensions, parity violation, experiments to search for the electron electric dipole moment and for variation of the fundamental constants, methods to manipulate and control atoms, ions and molecules, and theoretical approaches. By bringing together enthusiastic scientists and students from different disciplines connected to the search for physics beyond the Standard Model we hope to foster the development of this field and to encourage new collaborations. And of course, we also hope to have fun in the process!
Practical information
29 June – 4 July 2025 |
Ameland, The Netherlands |
MA / PhD / Postdoc |
Fee includes full accommodation with breakfast, lunch and dinners, and a social (beach) activity and conference dinner. Not included is the transportation to and from Ameland. We will however organize travel from Groningen to Ameland and back, on Sunday morning of 29 June and Friday afternoon of 4 July. |
€ 995 |
Academic coordinator
Steven Hoekstra, Anastasia Borschevsky Van Swinderen Instituut, FSE
Contact |
New-physics-summerschool Secretariaat: Iris de Roo-Kwant, Annelien Blanksma
This course is designed for Master students considering a PhD in this research field, PhD students at all levels, and postdocs. We expect our participants to be interested in low-energy precision tests of fundamental physics. Since our school connects theory and experiments, you do not have to be knowledgeable on both fronts.
It is expected that the participants have a sufficient command of the English language to actively participate in the discussions and to present their own work in English.
Course schedule
We have lectures planned on:
Experiments with molecules, such as electron-EDM searches with polyatomic systems
Atomic and molecular theory to explore new physics
Effective field theory to describe new physics
Methods to produce and prepare radioactive molecules for precision experiments
Learning outcomes
After this course you will be able to:
Identify connections between atomic, molecular and particle physics
Describe a number of key low-energy precision experiments that probe new physics
Make new connections in your research field
Workload & certificate
Preparation: 16 hours
Lectures: 16 hours
Presentation: 4 hours
Study and discussion: 20 hours
Upon successful completion of the programme, the Summer School offers a Certificate of Attendance that mentions the workload of 56 hours (28 hours corresponds to 1 ECTS). Students can apply for recognition of these credits to the relevant authorities in their home institutions, therefore the final decision on awarding credits is at the discretion of their home institutions. We will be happy to provide any necessary information that might be requested in addition to the certificate of attendance.
Introduction to lecturers
Kieran Flanagan (University of Manchester, UK)
Konstantin Gaul (Mainz University, Germany)
Jacinda Ginges (University of Queensland, Australia)
Nick Hutzler (Caltech, USA)
Rob Timmermans (University of Groningen, NL)
Jordy de Vries (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Yuval Shagam (Technion, Israel)
Application procedure
To apply, kindly fill out the online application form. Please note that you will be asked to upload the following documents:
Curriculum Vitae (max. 1 page)
Motivation letter, clearly stating why you want to join this summer school, what you will bring to the school and what you hope to learn (max. 1 page)
The deadline for accepting application is 1 April 2025. Applicants will be informed by 15 April 2025 of the selection outcome.

Last modified: | 27 January 2025 1.14 p.m. |