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Education Student Service Centre Studying with special needs

Study buddy

Introduction and explanation

Have you been diagnosed with ASD or AD(H)D? Do you have difficulty planning and organizing your work or feeling at home in the university? If so, you may well benefit from a study buddy. A study buddy is a senior student who offers help to a student from the same degree programme with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or an attention deficit disorder AD(H)D:

  • Sorting out your timetable.
  • Planning your work.
  • Studying together occasionally.
  • Going for a drink and having a chat.

These are small things that may make your life a lot easier. It's always good to know that there's someone you can count on if you need help.

  • You must register with your study/academic advisor.
  • Period: six months can be extended by another six months.
  • Condition: official (written) diagnosis of ADD, AD(H)D or ASD.
  • Financial contribution: € 50

Becoming a study buddy

Are you a UG student who would like to get some coaching experience? Would you enjoy helping a fellow student from your degree programme with ASD or AD(H)D? If so, you'd probably make an excellent study buddy. The job involves helping a fellow student with some of the small things that make a big difference. These days, a lot of jobs ask for people with coaching experience. You would gain valuable experience as a study buddy. All budies are given professional supervision from a coach and peer-to-peer coaching.

More information for UG students who are interested in becoming a study buddy.

Last modified:12 September 2022 09.46 a.m.
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