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Sunroots were one band to perform at the Welcoming PARTY

Aftermovie Welcoming PARTY

Date:22 September 2018
On 30th August this year, the University of Groningen welcomed over 2600 new international students with a Welcoming Day followed by a Welcoming Party for both international students and first-year Dutch students. It was a great way for new students to get to know each other, have fun, and enjoy themselves as students for perhaps the first time.
If all else fails, just eat gigantic pizza slices every day

3 Simple Meals That Keep You Going In Your First Year of Uni

Date:12 September 2018
You’ve just moved to Groningen and for the first time, you are completely independent on what you want for dinner. No more parents or siblings dictating what is on the menu: it’s all you. While at first you went all out by ordering pizza, sushi, or burgers every night - you’ve realized it can’t go on like this anymore because your bank account is almost drained and you still have 3 weeks left until payday.
Actual picture of me as a first year student

Your first week at University in 10 GIF’s!

Date:07 September 2018

Congratulations! If you are reading this you have most likely survived your first week of University. Finding your way through the city while meeting a ton of new friends wasn’t always easy, but it definitely was a lot of fun. To celebrate this, we have...

Food! Glorious food!

Restaurants from around the world in Groningen

Date:07 September 2018
Groningen has a lot of options to cook your own international meal. But in the end, we’re still students, which means cooking takes up valuable time from our busy busy lives. Luckily, there’s plenty of restaurants serving food from all over the world in Groningen - here are our best picks.
You can BBQ anywhere if you're brave enough!

Best BBQ Locations in Groningen

Date:29 August 2018
The academic year has started, but summer is still here (for now). Check our list of best BBQ spots in Groningen!
You can also pretend to row boats on the Grote Markt. Photo: ESN Groningen

Bucket List: Things to do in your first month in Groningen

Date:17 August 2018
Our blog team has been living in Groningen for a while now, but we too were once new and overwhelmed by all the things you can do here. We thought we'd list the best things a brand-new Groninger should do in order to make your life a little bit easier. If you don't want to do all forty, just do number #1 forty times.
Welcome to the Netherlands!

How to make the most out of the University Welcome Days

Date:10 August 2018
The new year is about to begin and for everyone starting their first year in Groningen, the welcoming weeks can be a bit overwhelming (speaking from experience). So, we've made a list to help you out. As our first tip says, don't worry about doing everything, and don't forget to have fun!
Here's Lauren, trying to look smart

Ask a student: why a Science bachelors?

Date:08 August 2018
I asked my friends Lauren, a fellow Physics student from England escaping the high tuition fees and the collapsing government, and Brayan, an Applied Mathematics student from Bulgaria escaping the beautiful women and nice beaches, about why they chose Science bachelors. Here is what they had to say!
Join Marisha as she tells us about her first week in Groningen

Marisha's student vlog: My first week in Groningen

Date:01 August 2018
Join student vlogger Marisha as she shares her experiences about her first week in Groningen, from parties at the introduction week to practical things to do when you've just arrived.
Your friends may not enjoy it as much...

Buying foods from home

Date:31 July 2018
Cooking international isn't hard in Groningen if you know where to go. Here's where you can find everything you need to cook your favourite dishes.