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Education Exchange Financial matters Scholarship

Erasmus+ ICM incoming student

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Financed by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed here are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the National Agency can be held liable for them

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) is the European exchange scheme for the mobility of students and staff with ICM partner universities worldwide.

ICM offers grants to incoming students from ICM partner universities to study for a semester at the University of Groningen.

You are eligible to apply for student mobility to the University of Groningen if you are a student at one of our Erasmus+ ICM partner universities.

Erasmus+ ICM factsheet University of Groningen.

Partner universities

We have 23 ICM partners worldwide.

You can find an overview here, including the Erasmus+ contact person at each partner.

How to apply?

Applying for Erasmus+ ICM

The new application call will open soon.


Incoming students are eligible to apply for an ICM scholarship if:

  • you are registered as a full-time student in one of the partner universities and will have finished the first year of your study programme (and for Law must have finished at least two years of law studies) by the time you start your exchange.
  • your subject area is available at the host university. Contact the international office (Erasmus+ coordinator) at your home university to find out whether or not your field of study is incorporated in the Erasmus+ ICM agreement.
  • you are nominated by your home university. Your home university is responsible for the nomination of its students for a mobility period abroad. In order to apply for the Erasmus+ ICm scholarship, you need a nomination letter from your home University and this letter needs to be uploaded with your online application.
  • you meet the language requirements. All UG faculties demand official language test results from student applicant. This test can be TOEFL or IELTS or (in some cases) test from the British Council. To make sure, please check with your prospective host faculty: admissions requirements for exchange at the University of Groningen. Note that some partners have made special arrangements regarding the language requirements; always make sure to follow the instructions from the exchange office at the University of Groningen faculty.

In all cases, contact your International Office before you start application. Your International Office has detailed information on the levels of exchange and subject areas for which an application can be submitted. The availability of scholarships per level varies per participating country and university.

Please be aware that you can only apply to participate in an exchange at the University of Groningen and not to any of the other partners mentioned on the website.

The minimum duration of an Erasmus+ ICM exchange is 2 months. The maximum duration is 12 months (usually scholarships are awarded for only 1 semester).


  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Certified copy Transcript of Records including all completed courses so far.
  • Learning Agreement for Studies* --> Erasmus+ template, and watch the Learning Agreement instruction video below
  • Language certificate --> check Criteria for more information
  • Motivation letter
  • Nomination letter home university
  • Copy of last degree obtained (mandatory for Master and PhD exchange only)
  • Invitation/Accaptance letter host university (mandatory for research exchange only)
  • Research Plan (mandatory for research exchange only

*During this stage it is not necessary that the Learning Agreement is signed by the receiving university.

Grant amounts

Individual support

€850,- p/month

Travel support

Travel distances Amount
Between 0 and 99 km €20 per participant
Between 100 and 499 km €180 per participant
Between 500 and 1999 km €275 per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 km €360 per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 km €530 per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 km €820 per participant
8000 km or more €1,500 per participant

Available scholarships

The number of available scholarships is different for each partner university. We advise you to contact the International office (Erasmus+ coordinator) at your home university for more information about the availability of scholarships.

ICM - Learning Agreement instruction video


Hoang Thao Nguyen Tran, incoming student from Vietnam

I took my journey as an exchange student in Groningen without any expectations, but the result is beautiful.

Why I chose Groningen?

I chose Groningen University because they are the partner university with my home university. Therefore, there're several similar courses in the curriculum and I do not have to worry about not catching up with my peers at home. I have no expectation in lifestyle and people since I am an Asian and Europe is a whole new world for me.

How was my experience?

It was really tough at first. I am an introvert myself, so it was really hard to make new friends, especially when they don’t speak your language. I spent my first weeks staying in my room and just enjoying the city myself, but it was not a bad thing. I ended up loving the city so much: old and bizarre bookstores, vintage thrift shops and little cute cafeĢ were my favorite hiding places after the class.

Magically, I was lucky. I started to have a very first friend, a cute Russian girl. That was the start of my friendships in Groningen. My Dutch friends showed me the city’s night life and the traditional food – kroketten – the delicious croquettes that I can never pronounce properly. Then I had my first bike, and trust me, biking is the best thing ever happened to me! I surely will keep biking around my hometown back in Vietnam.

My recommendations?

If you are an exchange student now, or are about to spend your 5 months in Groningen as an exchange student, have an open mind! Especially if you’re an Asian. This experience is a great chance for you to enhance not only your academic knowledge, but also your knowledge about the world. Hang out more, live in the country, enjoy your uncomfortable zone!

After selection

If you have been selected for an ICM mobility scholarship, you probably have a lot of questions on practical matters. The good news is that the University of Groningen has a lot of experience with international exchange mobility.

The Mobility and Scholarship Desk (msd informs you about everything you need to know regarding housing, insurance, registration and other practicalities. They will also refer you to our Immigration Service Desk for everything that has to do with visa.

Last modified:11 February 2025 07.44 a.m.