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Education Programmes Minor programmes

Minor Programmes

Most bachelor programmes provide a minor space of 15 or 30 EC in the first semester of the third year. During this period, you will not take classes from your regular bachelor programme, but you will broaden or deepen your knowledge and skills. You will do so by means of a university-wide, faculty-specific or personal minor package, study abroad, or an internship. This website provides more information on how you can design your minor space

Why minor space?

The minor space offers you the possibility to customize your study. This enables you to pave your own academic road. The minor space can be used to either broaden your horizon or to deepen your knowledge and skills. Furthermore, you can develop yourself by studying abroad or get acquainted with the labour market through an internship.

Fulfilment of minor space

Bachelor programmes differ regarding the availability, size, and manner of a minor space. The following schema provides an overview of the rules for the different bachelor studies.The six main possibilities to fulfil a minor space are:

  1. University-wide minor package: these packages are available to all students of all programmes. You will get in touch with students from diverse backgrounds with different perspectives on a subject which is less related to your bachelor programme. A university-wide minor package broadens your knowledge and skills.
  2. Faculty-specific minor package: some faculties offer minor packages which are exclusively available for students of their own faculty. A faculty-specific minor package deepens your knowledge and skills. In some cases, a faculty-specific minor enables you to apply for certain master programmes.
  3. Personal minor package: you compose your own package which enables you to pursue your own interests. Personal minor package always requires approval by the board of examiners of your programme. For more information about the process and approval of a personal minor package, see your study advisor.
  4. Teacher training minor: when you follow a bachelor programme directed at a scholar subject, you can get acquainted with teaching at the secondary school education through an teacher training minor. After completing the teacher training minor and your bachelor degree, you receive a (second degree) teaching qualification.
  5. Study abroad: you can fulfil your minor space by studying abroad at a foreign university. For more information, contact your study advisor.
  6. Research- or social internship: some programmes offer the possibility to take an internship in the minor space. For more information, contact your study advisor.
  7. Career Minor: this integrated minor prepares you for working in practice and allows you to choose a theme that matches your interests. You can conclude the minor with an internship, the development of an entrepreneurial concept or a concrete assignment. More information can be found on the Career Minor website.
    Read more about one of the recent student projects.


To follow a minor package, the propaedeutic phase of the programme should be completed. Master students are not able to follow a minor package as a part of the master programme. HBO-studens are not permitted to the UG minor packages.

In principle, the university-wide minor packages are available to all Bachelor students, regardless of your previous education. In some cases, there is too much overlap between the minor package and the regular programme and access is not permitted. This can be found in the minor description.  Faculty-specific minor packages are exclusively available for students of that distinct faculty.

Minor space per programme

The following schema provides an overview of the available minor options for your bachelor programme.  Some programmes do not offer a minor space, for example because of requirements from the field. In case your programme does not offer a minor space, but you are looking for a way to broaden or deepen your study, get in touch with your study advisor.

Overview minor space per programme

Last modified:18 June 2024 2.18 p.m.
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