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Education Bachelor's Web classes

Religious Studies

In this web class, you will be introduced to the Religious Studies programme. Religious Studies is a field of study that is devoted to examining the beliefs, institutions, and customs of both major and minor world religions. Many people do not always realize that religion is deeply embedded in all societies and shapes our behavior and framework of thought. It is useful to gain an in-depth understanding of the world’s religions as it is a crucial factor in events such as war, conflict, and ethnic cleansing, but also in more positive as it stimulates peacemaking and protects human rights.

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Web class

In just four weeks, you will experience what it feels like to be a Religious Studies student as you will delve into the world of various religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam. In addition, you will get acquainted with various social sciences such as anthropology, sociology, and psychology. Thus, if you are interested in how religion still influences our contemporary world and want to learn more about how religion affects people’s lives, you will certainly enjoy this web class!

When you finish the web class, you will not only have an extensive idea of what the Religious Studies programme at the University of Groningen entails, but you will also become familiar with some of the academic texts Religious Studies students read and how your newly acquired knowledge is tested.

Registration spring edition is now closed

Registration for the the spring edition of the web classes (3 - 30 March 2025) is now closed.

The next edition of the web classes will take place from 17 November - 14 December 2025. Registration for this edition will start 13 October 2025.

Do you have questions about the web classes? Have a look at the frequently asked questions or send an email to webklassen

Last modified:28 February 2025 12.35 p.m.