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Education Bachelor's Web classes

Computing Science

This webclass deals with important aspects of today’s world such as storing data, the basic structure of a computer and algorithms.

Computing Science
Computing Science

Web class

In this web class we give an introduction into computing science. We discuss challenges that are important in this digital world: How do I save large files in a compact way? How do I encrypt my data? And how easily is encryption cracked? What can be computed and what not? Can we actually compute everything that is theoretically computable before the last stars in the galaxy fade out? Besides theory and exercises on these topics we show you on a simulated computer what happens inside this machine. You will also write simple programs. Programming experience is not required.

Registration spring edition is now closed

Registration for the the spring edition of the web classes (3 - 30 March 2025) is now closed.

The next edition of the web classes will take place from 17 November - 14 December 2025. Registration for this edition will start 13 October 2025.

Do you have questions about the web classes? Have a look at the frequently asked questions or send an email to webklassen

Last modified:28 February 2025 12.35 p.m.