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Education Bachelor's Nederlandse studenten Studeren in Groningen



Finding somewhere to live can be daunting, especially if you are moving to the Netherlands for the first time. Around 10,000 students will all be looking for a room at the same time in Groningen and Leeuwarden so start your search as soon as possible. It is your own responsibility to find a place to live. The University of Groningen does NOT provide accommodation for students. Please check at home in Groningen for available accommodation.

Please do not underestimate the challenge of finding accommodation as it is often a long and stressful process. Therefore, finding accommodation is a priority and you should reserve a room as early as possible. For example, if you are starting your studies in September, we strongly advise that you begin actively looking for a room in April.

Ensure that you have found a room before 1 August if you will be studying in Groningen or Leeuwarden. If you decide to come to Groningen or Leeuwarden without pre-arranged housing, then you are highly likely to find yourself in hotels or hostels, if there is still space. This will involve high costs, inconvenience, and stress. This will likely last for a long period of time, probably months after your arrival. If you find accommodation outside of the city, then make sure you consider the potential extra travel time and travel costs. If you have not found accommodation before 1 August, we strongly advise you not to come to Groningen or Leeuwarden.

Temporary accommodation
Through the housing organisation SSH (Stichting Studenten Huisvesting), a limited amount of temporary housing has been made available for new, international students. Create your SSH account as of the 15th of April. Booking starts on the 2nd of May 2024. There is a limited number of rooms available and it's your own responsibility to register on time. Further housing opportunities can still be found via

The Municipality of Groningen has recently started a collaboration with Hospi Housing, which connects students with verified local hosts and guest families. In this way, you can find a room and at the same time meet residents who know Groningen well, which will help you create new cultural connections and feel at home in the city. Signing up, searching and chatting with hosts is free of charge for an unlimited amount of time. If you find a room on the platform, Hospi Housing charges a one-time fee equalling 50% of the first month’s rent. In return they ensure that the platform is 100% scam-free, support you in the matchmaking process and help draft a contract.

A useful starting place when searching for housing is This platform was set up by the municipality and educational institutions in the city of Groningen - including the UG - and is intended as a 'one-stop shop' in finding accommodation. As well as a directory of available private sector rooms, the website outlines the housing situation in Groningen, explains (Dutch language) rental terminology and offers advice on how to avoid being scammed online.

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Last modified:14 June 2024 10.27 a.m.
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