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Speech Synthesis Workshop 2025

About SSW

The Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW) is the main meeting place for research and innovation in speech synthesis, i.e. predicting speech signals from text input. Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology is a key component of numerous applications: speech-to-speech translation, digital assistants, conversational agents, social robots.

Delivering both intelligibility and naturalness has been the holy grail of speech synthesis research for the past 30 years. More recently, expressivity has been added as a major objective of speech synthesis.

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De Beurs, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands

  • SSW welcomes contributions not only in the core TTS technology but also gathers researchers from contributing sciences: from phoneticians, phonologists, linguists, neuroscientists to experts of multimodal human-machine interaction.
  • Since 1990, SSWs are held every three years under the auspices of ISCA‘s special interest group SynSIG. In 2019, it was decided to have an SSW every two years, since the technology is advancing faster these days.
Workshop Topics

Workshop Topics

So you want to submit your paper? Papers in all areas of speech synthesis technology are encouraged to be submitted, including but not limited to the following workshop topics:

● Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion for synthesis
● Text processing for speech synthesis (text normalization, syntactic and semantic analysis)
● Segmental-level and/or concatenative synthesis
● Signal processing/statistical model for synthesis
● Speech synthesis paradigms and methods; articulatory synthesis, parametric synthesis etc.
● Prosody modeling and generation
● Expression, emotion and personality generation
● Voice conversion and modification, morphing
● Concept-to-speech conversion speech synthesis in dialog systems
● Avatars and talking faces
● Cross-lingual and multilingual aspects for synthesis
● Applications of synthesis technologies to communication disorders
● TTS for embedded devices and computational issues
● Tools and data for speech synthesis
● Quality assessment/evaluation metrics in synthesis
● Singing synthesis
● Synthesis of non-human vocalizations
● End-to-end text-to-speech synthesis
● Direct speech waveform modeling and generation
● Speech synthesis using non-ideal data (‘found’, user-contributed, etc.)
● Natural language generation for speech synthesis


In order to organize SSW and to make it a success, we have some important dates to share. Please read them carefully.

30 January, 2025
Submission site opens
01 April, 2025
Initial paper submission (at least, title, authors and abstract)
14 April, 2025
Final paper submission (only updates to the PDF are allowed)
14 June, 2025
Registration opens
14 June, 2025
Notification of acceptance
28 June, 2025
12 July 2025
Early-bird registration ends
16 Aug 2025
Late registration ends
17 – 22 (Fri) Aug 2025
24 (Sun)- 26 (Wed) Aug 2025
SSW (Leeuwarden, NL)
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The 13th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop will be held in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 24 (Sun)- 26 (Wed) Aug 2025. The work is a satellite event of the INTERSPEECH 2025 conference (Dublin, Ireland).

Read more about the necessary steps and important dates.

Submission instruction

The workshop program consists of a single track with invited talks, oral and poster presentations.

Monday, April 01, 2025, 23:59 The deadline for submissions is Anywhere on Earth.

Only updates to the pdf and media files, the title, and the abstract will be permitted, while updates to the authors and topics cannot be made. Make sure that your paper complies with all instructions and specifications in the paper kit (not yet ready) and with the ISCA Code of Ethics for Authors and the Submission Policy.

As for SSW12, reviewing is double-blind.

Full papers

Prospective authors are invited to submit original, full-length, up to 6 page papers, including figures and references.

The paper kit used for SSW13 will be the one proposed for INTERSPEECH 2025.

Papers should be submitted via the CMT platform. Double-blind reviews (authors and reviewers are anonymous) will be performed.

Camera-ready papers will be credited on one extra page to allow authors to consider reviewers’ suggestions.


Full papers will receive a DOI and be published in the ISCA online archive.

Meet our team

The 13th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW 2025) brings together experts from the University of Groningen, University of Helsinki, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Our organizing team combines expertise in speech technology, linguistics, and minority language preservation to create a unique forum for advancing speech synthesis research.

Core team members include:

matt coler
Dr Matt Coler
Jelske Dijkstra
Dr Jelske Dijkstra
Joakim Gustafsson
Dr Joakim Gustafsson
Sébastien Le Maguer
Dr Sébastien Le Maguer
Juraj Simko
Dr Juraj Simko
Zhu Li
PhD Scientist Zhu Li
Igor Marchenko
PhD Scientist Igor Marchenko
Phat Do
PhD Scientist Tan Phat Do

About Campus Fryslân

About Leeuwarden

Leeuwarden is a medium-sized vibrant student city and the capital of the province of Fryslân. This is a city of innovation, home to many start-ups and established companies, including established game and tech businesses which could collaborate on speech technology applications. The city hosts universities, colleges, research institutes, and language-related NGOs. Speech technology is even recognized by the province as a crucial domain of regional interest, indicating strong local support.


Do you want to know more about the Speech Synthesis Workshop? Contact Dr Matt Coler via m.coler

Last modified:28 November 2024 1.44 p.m.