Award for Olive Stories as best contribution at international conference

The PhD research of Efe Cengiz led to a prize-winning installation at the joint conference of the European Association for Science and Technology Studies and the Society for Social Studies of Science (EASST-4S). The event held in July 2024 at the VU in Amsterdam was attended by over 3500 scholars from all over the world.
At the cutting edge of scholarly debates and innovative interventions about how to communicate knowledge, the field of science and technology studies (STS) has started to include non-traditional formats at its conferences. Working together with Carol Garzon-Lopez and Anne Beaulieu from the KI Department and Julide Sezer (U Utrecht) and Tassos Sarampalis (Psychology, UG), Efe developed a multisensory encounter around Olive Stories that powerfully conveys the complexity of knowing about the changing life of olive landscapes. Participants engaged with storytelling, ate olives, smelled wood, danced the movements of a harvest through pits falling around them and listened to sounds of olive soundscapes. In its report, the jury noted the powerful narratives in the installation and the storytelling talent displayed by Efe.
Curious? We are pleased to invite you to experience an adapted version of Olive Stories for yourselves during this year's Weekend van de Wetenschap, on October 5 in de Beurs!
Come touch, smell, hear, taste and dance all things olive; broaden what agriculture means for you!
Laatst gewijzigd: | 19 september 2024 11:43 |
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