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Alumni Support research and education Scholarships and awards

Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation

Nicolaas Mulerius

The Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation promotes the flourishing of the University of Groningen as a classical, internationally operating, academic teaching and research institution with a broad, cultural image.

Selection criteria

Target group: individual researchers or research groups, faculties and University institutes that promote the University’s teaching, research and cultural image

Sectors: in principle all fields of study represented within the University, as well as activities that promote the University’s visibility and image

Countries: no exceptions

Requirements for individual candidates: completed PhD; in highly exceptional cases PhD students may be accepted
N.B. The fund is not intended for applicants from outside the University of Groningen and also not intended for students.

Information about grants

  • Amount: In principle, one substantial payment per project is allocated
  • Type: non-repayable grant or interest-free loan
  • Duration of grant: depending on application
  • Closing date: N/A
  • Percentage of applications honoured: N/A
  • Additional facilities: N/A
  • Body awarding the grant: Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation, attn. Prof. E. Sterken

Applications can be submitted to

Preferred address:


Alternative address:

Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation,
attn. Prof. E. Sterken, secretary and treasurer
P.O. Box 72
9700 AB Groningen
The Netherlands


J.M.A. Scherpen (chair)
E. Sterken (secretary/treasurer)
C. Wijmenga
D.F.J. Bosscher
F. Zwarts

Further information

An important criterion for approval is the University’s interest. So-called ‘garnering applications’, where numerous institutions make contributions, are in principle not prioritized. Contributions to personnel costs will only be approved in highly exceptional cases and for very limited periods of time. Recipients of Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation grants are expected to mention this in publications etc. and to send the Foundation a copy of the relevant publications.

The Board will make a decision within a few months of submission of the application.

Prospective applicants are advised to contact the the board by sending an e-mail to m.a.s.peperkamp before officially submitting their application to ensure that their project or activity indeed falls within the scope of the Foundation and that the application meets the following requirements:

  • a brief description of the activity and a transparent budget (including both the expenditure and any income)
  • for personal/individual applications: a curriculum vitae (incl. list of publications) and references or letters of recommendation, as well as a brief description of the importance of the project to the University
  • for institution/group applications: an explanation of the importance of the project to the institution or group, as well as a statement of approval by the responsible person or institution.

Financial accountability

Last modified:17 July 2024 8.08 p.m.
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